Monday 25 May 2015

Week 9, race 8: Panshanger parkrun

The 8th race in my 40/40 challenge saw me return to Panshanger parkrun for the third time. Not much to say about this run, it had been a long, tiring and emotional week due to Matthew having a nasty bug and not sleeping (and then passing it on to me) and a load of driving to and from Preston. It was also a little humid.
That said, I still enjoyed my run but it wasn't my fastest, I finished in 30:57, 158th and 50th female.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Week 8, race 7: Luton Wardown parkrun

For the 7th race in my 40/40 challenge we returned to the parkrun at Wardown Park in Luton. Of the parkruns I've done recently this is probably the least interesting (3 and a bit times round a lake in the park with a little hill on each lap past the museum) but it is the closest to home, fairly simple to get to and park, there's tree trunks to climb on, a lovely park to play in after the race and my support team get to see me 3 times.

I can't keep up!
Hannah has been desperate to run with Mummy so after she got some new trainers we said she could join in for a bit of each lap.Gary thought she might slow me down (I wasn't convinced she actually would) so I ran hard for the bits where she wasn't with me. She loved joining in, running and chatting with a huge smile on her face and the third time round she ran off ahead of me!
I finished in 92nd place in 29:47 which was 1 second quicker than last time I ran this course so I don't think she slowed me down atall!
So far my silly challenge has been worth doing. Every Saturday we drag ourselves out of the house in a bit of a rush but then Hannah and James get to run around in the fresh air, climbing on tree trunks, running in the grass, playing in the park and seeing running as a completely normal thing to do (so much so they both want to run with me every chance they get).

Only 33 more races to go...

Saturday 9 May 2015

Week 7, race 6: Panshanger parkrun

After my marathon effort in week 5 of my 40/40 challange I gave myself last week off but I was itching to be back this week.
We decided to go to Panshanger parkrun again as it seems to be the easiest logistically and is a pleasant course. I was rewarded by some lovely bluebells in the woods which made the first half of the race very enjoyable despite it being a little busy until everyone had spread out. There were some other NHRRs there too and it was nice to have a quick chat before the race started.
I was pretty happy to finish in 30:07 which was 40 seconds faster than last time I ran this course and my legs still appear to work despite not having run for 2 weeks.
6 races done, 34 to go!!!