Monday 27 April 2015

Week 5, race 5: London Marathon

Week 5 of my 40/40 challenge saw me taking part in the 2015 London Marathon! I had a North Herts Road Runners club place for the 2014 marathon but I had to defer it to this year as I broke my ankle and had a baby. I knew that getting round would be tricky so decided to start training in January when Matthew was 3 months old and gradually up my distance of my long runs and the number of times I ran in a week and see how I was looking in April.
It was logistically and physically challenging but I slowly managed to build up to 3 runs a week with my long run reaching around 3 and a half hours long. I did most of my training on my own and some of the shorter runs with Matthew in the pram as well as having to fit around Gary's availability to look after the crazy gang and having to time my departure for long runs around feeding time. I wouldn't say it was ideal marathon training but a couple of weeks ago I decided I had done enough and with the experience of having run before I thought I could probably manage to finish without embarassing myself too much.
Race day itself was a bit cold and damp to begin with but once we were going it was perfect marathon weather as it was dry and cool. I was at the blue start in pen 9 (right at the back) and it took a very long 16 minutes to cross the start line! 5:27:44. I was very pleased with this time, not the worst of my 14 marathons and given I didn't run for 11 months and had to start from scratch with a small baby in January I couldn't really ask for more :-)
The first half went well, I felt good but was trying to be careful not to run too fast and I found myself with the 5:00 pacers and made sure I didn't go any faster than them as I wasn't in sub 5:00 shape atall. I ran the first half in 2:27 and managed to get to around 15 and a half miles before needing to stop and walk. I kept myself going fairly well until the last few miles where it became a bit of a struggle of mind over body and I eventually managed to get over the finish line in

Saturday 18 April 2015

Week 4, race 4 - Luton Wardown parkrun

My support crew
Another week, another run in my 40/40 challenge...this week it was the turn of the inaugural Luton Wardown parkrun. To be honest when I woke up this morning after around 2 hours broken sleep (and this has been going on for a couple of weeks now), the last thing I felt like doing was running but I really shouldn't miss any opportunities to do a race so I dragged myself (and my support crew) out of the house. 
On the plus side it was a lovely sunny morning in Luton. The course is 3 and a bit laps of Wardown Park. I had my doubts about how this would work in practice but it seemed to work ok and I only got lapped by a few leaders. I dragged myself round in a time of 29:48 (first time under 30 minutes this year!) and my support crew had much fun playing in the park. This is my closest race so I am sure I'll be back...36 runs to go!

Saturday 11 April 2015

Week 3, race 3 - Wimpole Estate parkrun

After the run
Week 3 of my 40/40 challenge took me to the Wimpole Estate Parkrun. Despite a complete lack of sleep the night before, an incident which involved me tripping over a (luckily empty) potty and stubbing my toe and the worrying discovery that we were very close to running out of petrol, we made it just in time, phew!
This is a one lap off road 5km with a steep hill at 2km. Really enjoyed the run (despite the menacing cows) but I've never experienced a run with so many barking dogs (not sure I liked that!). It was unexpectedly damp and chilly at the end so we also enjoyed retiring to the NT café for a coffee and a sausage roll.
I finished in 31:56 (faster than last week's 5km on a hillier course).
Only 37 runs to go!! My support team still seem interested at the moment but can I afford the chocolate bribery?

Saturday 4 April 2015

Week 2, race 2: First Saturday in the Month 5km

Race 2 in my 40/40 challenge was North Herts Road Runner's First Saturday in the Month 5km. I try to do this race most months as it's a lovely race as well as being organised by a top club (although I am biased!). It's 2 off-road laps of Norton Common in Letchworth with usually 60-80 finishers.

This month I didn't have the best preparation after ceilidh dancing until past my bedtime in inappropriate shoes the night before so I was very pleased to finish in 32:13, 41 seconds quicker than last month (and in slippier conditions) and 5 minutes quicker than in January!

2 down, 38 to go!